In Walked 6 (Chapter III) Magnanus

In Walked 6

by Doragon (aka James Mahoney)

Chapter I – Oz Ryder

Chapter II -Allone

CHAPTER III – Magnanus

High within a darkened tower, within the Ohr’Dra Peaks, scrambling his way through scrolls and items of importance, the Shadow Mage (Sorcerer) Minotaur, Magnanus, gathers his things and any proof he can get his hands on…

…but proof of what?

Magnanus stands 7′ tall, with dark brown fur, and though his form is large, his power lays within his blood more than his body

His form covered in a light purple glow with black smoke as he moves through the hallways, and makes his way out of his Master’s Tower

With one look back, he then heads north through the peaks towards the Great Woods