Thaydex Black Raven – The Necromancer




Episode One – Departure

Thaydex’s upbringing, was… well… challenging

The son of a Human girl/woman, and a High Elf/Gray Elf man, his surroundings were of two worlds…

…and his look, stark black hair, fair skin, with light blue gray eyes, 5’8″ height and 140lbs at the age of 15

Thaydex’s mother, being Human, the most prevalent Race in their land…

…looked down upon by, well, High Elves/Gray Elves

She desired a simple, well lived life for herself, and her family

Where Thaydex’s father was an intellect, his face often buried in books, he wished only to be left alone, leaving Thaydex’s mother to raise him

Obviously his parents did not truly know one another before getting married, and having a baby

Thaydex was what many might call, dark

His meaning and intent was not to hurt anyone, but he carried with him an innate familiarity, and understanding of death

Thaydex was made fun of, and bullied, as many are for many things…

…until the day he brought a frog back to life in class…

Well, it was, sort of alive

From that day forward, where Thaydex was, others were not…

I suppose he preferred the solitude over the harassment…

But still… he was lonely

When Thaydex’s father found out about the incident, he threw out anything within Thaydex’s room that might be construed as macabre… or… death related

Leaving his room fairly barren

His mother tried to comfort Thaydex, but between his withdrawn nature, and the fact that she kind of feared him because of what he was able to do, the two of them drifted apart

Thaydex left home at 15…

…there was nothing for him there anymore

And in all honesty, being there hindered who he was, and who he was becoming…

…a Necromancer

Unbeknowst to Thaydex, his mother was crushed by his departure…

…and in the end, she left his father

Art from HERE